Disciples who Magnify, Mature, Minister, and Multiply.

SEFC exists to build disciples of grace and truth who glorify God, know Jesus’ commands, live according to Jesus’ word, and share Jesus’ gospel with the world.

(Mt 28:18-20; Jn 1:12-14)


Jesus affirms the first and great commandment is: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” SEFC exists to love and magnify God together each Sunday as He speaks to us through His holy Word, and as we respond to Him through our prayers, tithes and singing of praise.

(Mt 22:37; Ps 34:3; Acts 2:42)


We grow best when we grow together! Discipleship cannot happen solely during a Sunday morning worship service, so SEFC seeks to facilitate community groups in order to help disciples connect to one another and grow in Christian community. There are several community group options that happen each week both in the church and in the homes of members.

(Heb 10:25; Prov. 27:17; Acts 2:42-47)


The first great command is to the love the Lord, and the second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Disciples do not grow by simply being ministered to, but by using the gifts God has given them to serve others. SEFC exists to equip disciples to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the local church, in the Saint Croix Valley, and throughout the world. To accomplish this calling, SEFC has several ministry teams to facilitate service opportunities.

(Mt 22:39; Eph 4:11-12; 1 Pet 2:5-9)


At its core Jesus’ mission for the church is to be outward focused. The book of Acts records several miracles but only one occurs in a church, the rest happen as disciples are sent out to proclaim the good news of salvation in Christ. Although we gather together to magnify God in worship and we meet together in fellowship to mature in Christ, the goal is to be sent out into the community and into the world to multiply more disciples of Jesus Christ.

(Acts 8:1; Col 1:28-29 & 4:2-6; 2 Pet 3:9)

To hear Pastor Nick's teaching on our vision statement check out our sermons series, "A Vision To Build."